Large engines (>700Hp) are industrial, Medium are automotive (truck), Competitive parts price, Better Fuel consumption at various load profile. @ 100% Load 12.5 L Less fuel/Hr. than single 1000 KVA unit, 12.5 L/H x 7000Hr/Y = 87,500 L = Saving 62,375 USD/Y = % 42 unit price, AREP alternator with %300 Starting current capability for 20s for large motor starting, Better Single load acceptance for two units than one unit, Better life time for engines (both units not running all the time), More reliable (in case of failure still 50% power available), Spillage free frame (container integral bund), 4-Pole Motorized Circuit Breaker + Battery Charger Dual Frequency + Coolant Heater + Fork lift slots + Dual fuel filters with water separator.

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